Why St Francis de Sales?
Watch our video to get a glimpse into some of the many reasons we are a high performing school.
We have the BEST NAPLAN 2022 results in our local area.
Visit our school 
We encourage you to visit our school.
We are happiest when prospective families pay us a visit to see for themselves what makes St. Francis de Sales Primary School unique.
Come chat to our Principal Christine or our Deputy Principal Angela as they show you around our school.
We can show you why we are a school of choice for many of our happy families and children.
Please book a personal small group tour or call the school on 87736700 for assistance for a tour appointment
New families are encouraged to arrange a tour prior to submitting enrolment documents.
Tours are available most days at 9 am by appointment. However, If another time suits you better, please don’t hesitate to call and we will arrange a more suitable time.
Enrol early in the year to secure your child’s place in our school.
Enrol Your Child
Once you have decided to enrol your child at our school, complete an Application for Enrolment and provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate, baptism certificate (if applicable) and immunisation forms. Previous school reports (for year levels other than Prep) and any other relevant academic, developmental or medical assessments should be included with the application.
By law, children must turn five by the 30th of April of their first year of school.
The official enrolment period for Foundation (Prep) extends until the end of May in the year before starting school.
Enrolments for Foundation and for other levels are accepted throughout the year as families move into the area and according to availability of places.
Enrolment Application can be accessed and completed via this website. Give us a call if you need assistance.
Attend an Enrolment Interview
Once we receive your application we will invite you to book an interview with the Principal/Deputy Principal.
The purpose of the interview is to identify the child’s interests and strengths and any areas where extra challenge or support may be required. This is a time when you can ask further questions and we can chat to you about our school’s expectations. The interview commences a partnership and prepares the way for us to personalise learning opportunities for your child from the moment they start at our school.
- Interviews for Siblings will commence in March.
- Interviews for new families will be held from April to July.
The school will then confirm a place. If successful, a formal offer of enrolment will be sent following your interview, together with a Confirmation of Enrolment for completion.
The enrolment priorities for St. Francis de Sales Catholic Primary School are explained in our Enrolment Policy.
It is not compulsory to be Catholic to join our school.
There is a fee concession available for families on a Health Care Card.
Our Foundation Transition Program
Parents of Foundation children accepted will be advised of the dates for:
Foundation Parent Information Evening (October)
In October, you will be invited to a Parent Information Night. On that night we will share information you need for your family to have a smooth transition into our school. This is also another opportunity to ask questions and to meet with other parents. Children do not need to come to this meeting.
‘Step into SFS party’ (October)
To welcome new students who will be commencing school the following year. This is the first opportunity for your child to Step into SFS and familiarise themselves with our school so that they feel more comfortable next year. Parents are encouraged to stay to enjoy the party activities with their child. It is a chance to celebrate that they will be starting school at St Francis de Sales.
Transition sessions (November – December)
Your child will visit our school for three one hour sessions to get to know our school, teachers and their future classmates. Parents also meet in our Community room getting to know one another as well as learning ways to support your child’s transition to school. This is a wonderful way to make friendships and connections even before your child begins at our school.
Our school community endeavours to live by the values of respect, responsibility and kindness.
At St Francis de Sales we desire the full flourishing of each child and we embrace their giftedness, supporting them to be the best they can be. We passionately create the opportunities for our young people to excel as learners, enlightened by faith, animated by love and filled with hope for their unique capacity to make a difference.
As our patron saint St. Francis de Sales said,